DCA-3 | Accommodation: Legal Education for Leadership of Religious Institutes and Their Lay Collaborators

Sku: 355021422 - 3
Unavaible for shipping

DCA-3 | Accommodation: Legal Education for Leadership of Religious Institutes and Their Lay Collaborators

Sku: 355021422 - 3
Unavaible for shipping
$CAD 70.00
Product not available for online purchase
  • A limited number of suites is available to participants in the 2024 Legal Education Program … available on a “first come, first served basis”.
  • Cost : 
    • $140 /suite / night ;
    • 70 / room / shared suite / night.(if available)
  • Open until April 3, 2024

On-site parking is available at the residence reception. Price: $15 / day / vehicle.

 Questions : Contact [email protected]