DCA-3 | Legal Education for Leadership of Religious Institutes and Their Lay Collaborators

Sku: 355021422 -3
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DCA-3 | Legal Education for Leadership of Religious Institutes and Their Lay Collaborators

Sku: 355021422 -3
Unavaible for shipping
$CAD 600.00
Product not available for online purchase

YEAR III – Administration of Temporal Goods

June 10-13, 2024

This event will be hosted in person and online.


This program offers updated instruction in the contemporary context on the main aspects of canon law and certain aspects of civil law affecting consecrated life. It is intended for present and future leadership teams and lay persons working in the administration of institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life.


  • Apostolic Commissary: A Congregation’s experience
  • Management of Temporal Goods and Financial Malfeasance: Canonical Considerations
  • Archives
  • Insurance Needs and Programs
  • Merger of Provinces
  • Contractual Agreements with Religious Institutes
  • Synodality and Religious Life
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Evolution of the principles to ensure the ongoing needs of members … development of foundations and other corporate structures to protect congregational assets
  • Mensuram Bonam: Guide for Catholic Investors
  • Management of Human Resources: Creation of A Just Work Environment Rooted in Charism and Mission



  • Open until April 3, 2024.
  • After April 3, registration remains open with no assurance of residential accommodation.

Tuition fees:

  • $ 500.00 until April 3, 2024 (incl)
  • $ 600.00 starting April 4, 2024
  • Including $50.00 non-refundable administration fee for cancelation after May 17, 2024.

Accommodation - Saint Paul University Residence Reservations

  • A limited number of suites is available to participants in the 2024 Legal Education Program … available on a “first come, first served basis”.
  • Cost: $140 /suite / night ; 70 $ / room / shared suite / night if available
  • Open until April 3, 2024;
  • Reservations Click HERE

Noon Meal Plan – June 10-13, 2024

Program Coordinator